Home Help #3: Water Leaks

Normally if you see what is n the picture above and below it would be a cause to be concerned...a crack in concrete and a wet surface....in this case it's just staged for demonstration.

If you do see something like this, here's the question to ask:

How do you know, and how can you check, if you have any water hidden leaks in your home?

Answer: The best way to determine if you have hidden water leaks is to turn off all of the fixture throughout the house and the irrigation system.  Then locate and observe the water meter to see if movement persists.  If the water meter is moving, it indicates that there is a leak.

If you can't determine the source of the water the problem on your own, you can always call our friends at ASAP Drain Guys & Plumbing at 951-253-4332 or visit them online at: 


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