Friday Flashback: The First "Album" I Ever Bought- Which was Your First?

When I was 9 years old, I asked my mom if I could use my piggy bank money to buy my first album (yes I am old enough to own vinyl). Mom was quite surprised when I picked out "the World is a Ghetto" by War.

This was not what mom expected from her little white kid from the suburbs, but soul and funk music was my first interest. Perhaps it was my search for something different, as 2 of my older sisters were into what would now be called "classic rock" and my other sister was in to "show tunes". My second album stayed in that genre as I bought Sly Stone's "Fresh" album.

My interest in all things alternative came a few years later..but that's another story...

Several years ago, I had the personal privilege of hosting a live radio interview with Lee Oskar, (an original member of the band), who brought his harmonica and actually played over War songs I played on the was surreal and amazing experience to listen to and experience.

What was your first "album"?

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