Celebrity Birthdays: Juliette Lewis

Juliette Lewis is 46 today. She was born in L.A. and her first screen appearance was a bit part in the film Bronco Billy. Her breakthrough came in the film Cape Fear starring across from Robert De Niro

She has appeared in films such as Husbands and Wives(1992), Kalifornia; What's Eating Gilbert Grape(both 1993), Natural Born Killers(1994), The Basketball Diaries; Strange Days(both 1995), and From Dusk Til Dawn (1996) just to name a few...

What you may not know is that JUliette has released 5 albums over the years and is a great singer as well. I recently interview her and she said she actually pursued a singing career as her primary goal, but after her appearance in Cape Fear, the demand for her acting talents (and then money that came from that demand) was too much to pass up.

Her personal passion is still singing, and lucky for us, she has pursued that career along side her acting career.

Below is a slice of Juliette Lewis, doing her "other" job....and doing it well,,,,,

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