Dwight's Daily Dose Of New Music: Unsigned Artists All Week? Today From SD

This week on the "Dose" I am going to attempt to play artists unsigned to a major label every day Monday through Friday.

I have an unsigned artist from Los Angeles to play on Wednesday and a local unsigned artist on tomorrow for Temecula Valley Tuesday.

I could use 2 more submissions to fill out this week.

If you are an unsigned artist, now is your chance to get on the radio. Send your music to the Facebook page in a pm along with info about your band.


"The Dose" airs every weekday morning in the 9am hour

Today's artist I have played many times over the last few years.. a couple of times in her band Dirty Puppets and several times as a solo artist.

Living and performing mostly in the San Diego area, Lucky Bailey has submitted the widest variety of music of any artist I have played. She has sent music that i would consider, punk, hard rock, Stevie Nicks type rock, and this cool trip hoppy kind of sound that you'll hear today. A Song called "Your Words Don't Mean A Thing"

Lucky is already working on a new song that sounds like power pop rock to me, so she is showing true artist content diversity.

Tomorrow I'll be attending the San Diego Music Awards with Lucky, so I'll have an update on how those awards went and what Lucky is up to now.

Today's Dose song is so new there is no video for it, so I've included a different video (directed by Lucky as well) for her song called "Where Are You Now"

mostly in the San Diego area, Lucky Bailey

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