New Student Art Mural Celebrating Native American Heritage Month Unveiled

The following announcement comes from The City of Temecula,

Community Services Department, Temecula Valley

Unified School District, and the Temecula Valley:

The City of Temecula, Community Services Department, Temecula Valley Unified School District, and the Temecula Valley Museum announce a new Student Art Mural in Sam Hicks Monument Park (28300 Mercedes Street). This temporary public art piece celebrates Native American Heritage Month.

Temecula’s Student Art Mural Project seeks to support emerging artists by providing a space to showcase their craft. Each month, student artists are provided the opportunity to paint a mural on varying topics, facilitated by Bigfoot Graphics. This month’s theme honors Native American Heritage Month which was officially declared by United States President George H. W. Bush in 1990 for November.

This beautiful mural was created by Pechanga Chámmakilawish School students, led by Principal Andrew Maisel and third grade teacher, Amalika Jackson. The school consulted with Myra Maisel of Pechanga Cultural Resources and Vanessa Hogan of Tribal Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) to plan the artwork, representing Native life in the valley, both past and present. Artist Junior Villalobos sketched out the mural, featuring The Great Oak Tree, an eagle, native plants, the Pechanga Casino, an automobile, and youth participating in traditional games and living in traditional Kíicha (homes). The mural was a group effort, with every child (ages 3 to 10) adding to the artwork. The artists came from the Mommy & Me group, PreKindergarten, and Kindergarten to Fifth Grade students, all adding color and artistry to proudly represent their people, the Payómkawichum, which means the People of the West in the Pechanga language.

The mural will be displayed beginning the second week of NOV 2021 at Sam Hicks Monument Park, and will be officially unveiled on TUE, NOV 9, 2021 at 3:00 pm. All are welcome to attend. The museum also celebrates Native American Heritage Month through facts and free crafts in the Temecula Valley Woman’s Club Art and Education Room. The Student Art Mural Project is organized by Temecula Valley Museum. Local art students are invited to paint murals on canvas that will be displayed monthly. For more information, please call (951) 694-6450.

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