My New Year Resolution- Last Year's I Accomplished... What Is Yours?

My New Year Resolution for 2021 was to lose what I called "COVID Fat"- I had gained almost 10 pounds while NOT being as active due to the shutdowns, so in 2021 I wanted to lose those pounds I "found"....

I can happily report I have lost that weight and more with a total weight lost in 2021 of 18 pounds. (my secret? playing pickle ball 2-3 times a week)

My Resolution for 2022 is to keep it going. My last weigh-in was 198 and my goal for 2022 is to get that down to 185.

Now that I've made all this "public" you can all shame me if I don't stay focused in 2022 to get that done.

What is your New Year Resolution? let me know and I'll blog about it and tell your story on the radio so everyone can "track" your progress next year too... you'd be surprised at how guilt and mockery can help motivate you... LoL

Send your resolutions in a private message to our Facebook page 945KMYT

I'll tell your story later this week...

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