"Dwight's Daily Dose of New Music": New Year Coming- New Artist Today

I'm finishing off the last week of the year with yet another first time artist play.

Today I feature "Rad Boyz" by Smiley Mikey.

Here's the info Mike sent to our Facebook page:

Smiley Mikey releases RAD BOYZ —

genre-defying ballad

about choosing hope in hopeless times

What to make of Smiley Mikey’s latest song, RAD BOYZ?

Sonically chill but emotionally wrought, RAD BOYZ doesn’t neatly fit into any established genre or sub-genre.

In this slow-tempo ballad you’ll hear folky storytelling and lament, a 1960s rock beat, Caribbean-style steel drums and shakers, Beach Boys harmonies, jazzy flute . . . and soul-sistah background vocals.

The official music video is below

So . . . just WHAT is this song about? That's for YOU to decide.

Smiley Mikey offers a few insights:

“Choosing hope over hopelessness.”

“The struggles of the younger generations in the 21st century Land of Opportunity.”

“A permanent outsider seeking love, both of the romantic and self-esteem kind.”

“Living a Huck Finn/dropout version of the American Dream over the 99 percent American Nightmare.”

And finally: “It’s all in the riff, those recurring eight bars. That’s where the message is embedded. The first four measures — ending on the high note of the phrase — conjure optimism: the ecstasy of a dream, a fantasy, which one purposely doesn’t awaken from. The last four measures — resolving on the chord’s root note, the lowest note in the phrase — acknowledge (without capitulating to) the cold earthly reality of the present.”

He adds: “I guess I’m an old head talking to young heads.”

If you are an artist looking to get on the radio, now is your chance. Send your music to the Facebook page in a pm along with info about your band.


"The Dose" airs every weekday morning in the 9am hour

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