City of Temecula Announces Easter Activities

You can make your Easter plans locally now with help from our friends at the City of Temecula:

Saturday, April 16th Arrive at 9:30am Hunts start at 10am SHARP! Enjoy music, face painting, take a picture with the Easter Bunny, and be ready to hunt at 10am SHARP! Egg hunt is for children ages 0-12 years. Don’t forget your basket!

Easter Egg Hunts at THREE LOCATIONS: Temeku Hills Park 31367 La Serena Way Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park 32380 Deer Hollow Way Harveston Community Park 28582 Harveston Drive *Special Needs areas at all three parks.

TEEN NIGHT LIGHT EGG HUNT Friday, April 8th, 8-9:30pm Kent Hintergardt Memorial Park 31465 Via Cordoba Event for Teens ages 13-18 Only!

Grab your friends and your flashlight, it’s time for the annual teen only egg hunt. You could walk away with a tub of jelly beans, a gift card, or maybe even a TV! Dancing and music start at 8pm, egg hunt begins promptly at 8:30pm. Everyone in attendance will be eligible for community service hours needed for school.

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