"The Walking Dead" is Back. Did You Watch? I Did. Spoiler Alert

The Walking Dead TV series is back for what they are calling Part 2 of the 3 Part Final Season. I'm not sure what that means, but the newest episode had some pretty big moments.

We found out the guy left in the church injured so Maggie could get back to attacking the Reapers, di , in fact die...so that character is gone.

Also, in what looked like a final epic confrontation between Negan and Maggie, turned out to be just Negan announcing he was leaving the group...but don't think that's the last you'll see of Negan.

The most shocking moment occurred when after letting what was left of the Reapers walk away, Maggie picked up and gun and shot them all dead...except one.. Leah. So she'll be back in future episodes...

The episode ended with the group back home and the first meeting with the Commonwealth- the obvious next big plot line for the show.

Are you still watching? What do you want to see before the series ends? Let me know in a pm to our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/radio945KMYT

I want to see the return of Rick- so we know exactly what happened to him...

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