Inaugural Honoring USA Heroes 4K Run Happening August 28th- Enter Now

let's show our support and take part in this event.

Here's the info from

Join Us For Our Inaugural 4K on August 28, 2022

A 4k run around the Peltzer Farm & Winery property benefitting local charity organization, Honoring USA Heroes. Each Runner/Walker will have the opportunity to Honor a Family of a Fallen Hero, with the most amazing gift to keep the Hero’s memories alive with the living. After the presentation toasting of Wine provided by Peltzer Winery. A single runner/walker who wants to Honor a Family will need to fundraise a min of $500 or a Team of 10 individual entries no fundraising is needed to Present to the Family a living Memorial Picture of their Hero, so they are “Never Forgotten”.

Each participant will receive an American Flag of the Fallen as they turn to the finish line with the Flag draped around them or on a Pole.

Special Category - Set the 4K record for the Following Division!

The top 3 finishers in each category will receive Special Prize.

1. Active-Duty Fire Fighter

2. Active-Duty Law Enforcement

3. Active-Duty Military

4. High School Runners

5. 14 and Under one lap

For more information and registration visit them here:

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