Temecula Valley Museum unveils a new Student Art Mural

New info from the City of Temecula:

The Temecula Valley Museum announces a new Student Art Mural in Sam Hicks Monument Park (28300 Mercedes Street). This temporary public art piece celebrates Native American Heritage Month.

This temporary mural will be officially unveiled on WED, NOV 16, 2022 at 5:00 pm, and the public is welcome to attend. The museum also celebrates Native American Heritage Month through facts and free crafts in the Temecula Valley Woman’s Club Art and Education Room.

Temecula’s Student Art Mural Project seeks to support emerging artists by providing a space to showcase their craft. Each month, student artists have the opportunity, facilitated by Bigfoot Graphics, to paint a mural on varying topics. This mural was created by Chámmakilawish Pechanga School Students led by Principal Andrew Masiel Jr. and third grade teacher Amalika Jackson.

Artist JR Ceja themed this month's mural as Grandpa's Wisdom representing how cultural wisdom is passed down through generations of Luiseño people. Mr. Ceja sketched out the mural, featuring a grandfather imparting wisdom to children, telling the story of a woman carrying her child as she walks through the valley. The mural was a true group effort, with every child (ages 3 to 10) contributing to the artwork, including each adding their handprint and artists came from the Mommy & Me group, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten to Fifth Grade students. All added bits of color and artistry to proudly represent their people, the Payómkawichum, which means the People of the West in the Pechanga language.

It is the mission of the Chámmakilawish Pechanga School to ensure that each child develops a foundation for success through the development of a healthy self-esteem by means of participating in a rich learning environment. The purpose of the Chámmakilawish Pechanga School has been clear since the school opened its doors, to teach tribal members culture and language without sacrificing other areas of education.

For more information, please email ArtsAndCulture@TemeculaCA.gov, or call (951) 694-6450. Please visit TemeculaCA.gov/TCSD, and keep up to date by following @TemeculaParksAndRec on social media.

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