This helpful news from the City of Temecula:
TEMECULA, CA – The County of Riverside Community Action Partnership is coordinating Warm Centers to provide drop-in sites for vulnerable individuals, seniors, the disabled, and others in need of temporary relief from the cold. The Mary Phillips Senior Center (41845 6 th Street) is operating as a Warm Center from THU, DEC 1, 2022 through FRI, MAR 31, 2023. Operating hours will be Monday - Friday from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Warm Centers will be open to the public, in affected areas, when a Cold Warning is issued due to temperatures falling below 40˚F. Watch or listen for a Cold Warning on your television, radio, social media, and local newspaper. Warm Centers offer resources and information sheets such as Steps to Prepare for the Cold and Freezing Temperatures which include preparing your home and family, dressing for the cold, traveling, and recognizing symptoms of exposure. These services are critical as temperatures drop and residents need heat and warmth from cold weather.
Cold Weather Tips: • Drink warm fluids like hot cider or soup • Avoid alcohol and caffeine • Keep your home warm and turn on your heater • Wear several thin layers of clothing • Move family pets indoors out of the elements • Know the location of the nearest Warm Center • Have your home heating system inspected • Never bring heating devices into the home that are intended for outdoor, including charcoal
Please visit for a list of Riverside County Warm Centers, or for more information, please contact the Mary Phillips Senior Center at (951) 694-6464.