Interesting and Creative New Years Eve "Drops"

Every year for New Years Eve, we seem to "drop" something to mark that passage of time.

Everyone knows about the New York "Ball" drop.

Locally here in Temecula, we do a Grape Drop.

The Travel Channel listed some of the more unique New Years Eve drops, which include:

o In Memphis they drop a giant Gibson guitar

o In Raleigh, North Carolina, it’s a giant Acorn

o In Bermuda, they drop a giant onion

o Of course it’s a peach in Atlanta

o Both Miami and Orange County California drop an orange

o How about a giant clam in Yarmoth, Maine

o In Mobile, Alabama, they drop a 600 pound moonpie.

o In Pottsville, Pennsylvania, home of Yuengling Beer, a giant bottle of beer is dropped.

For may be just my body...dropping on the couch....what are you doing on NYE?

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