Pickleball Paddle Demo Review #1: Selkirk Vanguard S2 (The White One)

I signed up at a local tennis / pickleball store recently for a demo series. I get to check out 2 demos a week to use and see which one I like best. I plan on trying out and using as many as possible, and I'll be reviewing each one here. So all you who take part in the fastest growing sport in America can get help figuring out which paddle to use.

Before my first review, a suggestion: If you are a "newbie"- don't spend big dollars on a paddle. Spend some time developing your game with a cheap paddle- until you develop what style you have (or want to have) it's better to wait and then buy with confidence when you have some game. Paddles can get up way beyond $100, so wait to make your investment.

My first paddle to review is the 'hot" new paddle on the market. The Selkirk Vanguard S2 (that's the white one in the photo). It is standard size. I played with it and found it to have an excellent feel and balance. I also like the fact that it doe not have an edge guard- thus cutting down on those errant miss hits that send the ball off sideways onto someone else's court. The downside to no edge is if you tend to hit the ground on low shots (or have a temper), you can easily chip the edges with this paddle. The surface isn't "sticky", so those who like to use spin may not like this, but for true hits and accuracy, it's definitely the best paddle I've played with yet.

In my next blog I'll review that dark paddle on the right- a very different experience to use that one!

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