Local Inspiration Needs Your Help

I recently came across this message from a local Temecula Valley family and I want to share it with you. I know this family and this is a legitimate request for someone I consider to be an inspiration to our community:

From Melissa Garner Mitchell:

Cadence and I are combining our upcoming birthdays. She turns 18 on March 2nd. The week before her birthday, we are going to pick up her new pup in Northern California. This lab pup will go into two different training programs. The first is for basic obedience and Canine Good Citizen as she is just a puppy. After that, the pup goes into training to be her service dog, or life partner as I like to call it. She will be trained to help with mobility (Cadence has blood pressure issues and syncope), tasks (like medication reminder and retrieval, opening doors, helping carry, etc), and medical alert (cardiac arrhythmia, GI flare up, BP drops/falling). This will take a long time and a lot of hard work. She has saved a lot of money and is looking for a job in order to be able to pay for a majority of pup training by herself.

That being said, we have a $2,500 goal to reach by the end of February (for vet stuff, travel, dog carrier, etc). She is wondering if anyone would like cooking? Or pet care? She also makes food gifts that include organic pet and horse treats. She has also done food prep for people (where she goes to their home and preps a ton of food to be cooked by the person later). OR if you are interested in photography, all my proceeds will go towards our trip up to Nor Cal and her pup. So please contact me if you need photography.

Her pup comes from a line of service dogs. She is a Red Fox Lab and her name is Emmeline, which means hard worker, dedicated, loyal. Emmy for short.

Cadence Mitchell has a couple speaking events coming up (yes SHE will be speaking now) and some doctor's appointments, but she is flexible. I have pacemaker surgery January 30th, but my schedule is also flexible.

Thank you for your support! Let us know if you are interested.

Here is the gofundme link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/cadence-mitchells-service-dog-emmy?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_campaign=p_cp%20share-sheet&fbclid=IwAR1m02N5NWkq6NT9sASxN5yNYBHzlSShDpKrVh42F8GT0-mXeRP6QHp0m14

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