"Dwight's Daily Dose of New Music": #TBT Velvet Underground Edition

Today's #tbt edition of "The Dose' features a former member of the Velvet Underground. The song is called "Noise of You" and it's from John Cale.

here's the info from Dauntless Special Delivery:

For nearly 60 years, or at least since he was a young Welshman who moved to New York and formed The Velvet Underground, Cale has been reinventing his music with inspiring regularity. Cale has always searched for new ways to explore old ideas of alienation, hurt, and joy; MERCY is the latest transfixing find of this unsatisfied mind. Once again, here is Cale, reimagining how his music is made, sounds, and even works. The engrossing, 12-track MERCY is the continuation of a long career’s work with wonder. MERCY moves through true dark-night-of-the-soul electronics toward vulnerable love songs and hopeful considerations for the future.


The writings and recordings that shaped MERCY piled up for years, as Cale watched society totter at the brink of dystopia. Trump and Brexit, Covid and climate change, civil rights and right-wing extremism—Cale let the bad news of the day filter into his lines, whether that meant contemplating the sovereignty and legal status of sea ice melting near the poles or the unhinged arming of Americans. As Cale considered these songs, he could hear other voices joining him, soon enlisting Laurel HaloSylvan EssoAnimal Collective, Actress and the aforementioned Weyes Blood, plus other brilliant musicians who climb inside Cale’s consummate vision of the world and help him redecorate there.


Cale turns 81 in March, and he’s watched as many peers and pals have passed away, particularly during the last decade. MERCY suggests a transformative way of existence, where one’s own age or the world’s malaises don’t preclude imagination, intrigue, or the perennial quest to heal. It comes back to get us. If it’s MERCY John Cale wants, he’s created it not only through these 12 songs but through a lifetime of perpetual self-renewal. 

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