I often ask my treasured listeners who win tickets to shows to let us know how the concert was, so we can live vicariously through their experience.
Liz is actually the +1 of one of our recent concert ticket winners, and she wrote a great review and gave me permission to post a bunch about the recent Eric Hutchinson concert at the Belly UP.
Here's what Liz wrote:
"We sat on the side of the stage with a “drum cam” perspective…which was different for me but I rather enjoyed it. It allowed me to watch the interaction of the crowd with the artist and watch - and hear - the musicians. Eric Hutchinson has been around for awhile - last night he performed his 2008 breakthrough album “Sounds Like This” in honor of its 15th Anniversary, along with some other selections. I noticed he has a powerful voice when he lays it on. I noticed the drummer Bryan Taylor played tight with sharp precision right on top of the beat and damn smooth touch on the high hat and cymbals. I noticed the bass player Ian Allison rocked the F outta those solos that in other bands would be preserved for the lead guitarist. I noticed there was no lead guitarist. As laid back as this music might appear? Ha! Don’t let it fool you. It’s smart lyrically and musically and makes you feel good when you listen to it. And that’s pretty much the point after all. Also a shout out to opener Damian DeRobbio who was celebrating his birthday. "
Great job Liz!
Below are some photos Liz took of the show as well.
1 of 9 Our concert reviewer Liz also sent her picture at the venue as well. Thank you Liz! Awesome job!
2 of 9 3 of 9 4 of 9 5 of 9 6 of 9 7 of 9 8 of 9 9 of 9 The two Liz's- One was our ticket winner, the other her friend, her +1, and our guest blogger .