Temecula Citywide Clean Up Hosted in Partnership with CR&R

Do you want to help your community stay clean? You have a chance this Saturday. here's the info from the City of Temecula:

Citywide Clean Up Hosted in Partnership with CR&R

Saturday, May 13, 2023, 8am-12pm

Chaparral High School

27215 Nicolas Road

Spring cleaning is in the air! Have household waste or large debris that can’t be placed in the trash bins? ️Then come to the Citywide Clean Up! Not all items are accepted.


✔ Anti-Freeze

✔ Motor Oil

✔ Auto Batteries (2 per resident per visit)

✔ E-Waste (Household Electronics)

✔ Large Bulky Items

✔ Green Waste

✔ Small (Empty) Gas Operated Equipment

NOT Accepted: household batteries, fluorescent light tubes, empty drums, paint of any type,

chemicals/solvents/gasoline, tires,

pesticides, hazardous waste, thermostats, needles/sharp objects.

Open to Temecula residents only. Proof of residency such as a California Driver’s License, California ID Card, recent utility bill, or property tax statement is required.

Call 800-755-8112 for more information.

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