Temecula’s Juneteenth Celebration on Saturday June 10- Here Are the Details

Make your plans now. Here are the details from the City of Temecula:

Join the City of Temecula as we celebrate freedom and perseverance at our Juneteenth Celebration, hosted by the Community Services Department on SAT, JUN 10, 2023, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm at Town Square Park (41000 Main Street) in Old Town Temecula.

This free, open house-style event explores the historical journey of freedom for people around the globe marking the legal end of slavery on June 19, 1865, in Galveston, Texas. Commemorate this landmark day by connecting with friends and family while enjoying live entertainment, a variety of vendors, food, and kids fun zone!

Please visit TemeculaCA.gov/Juneteenth for additional information and educational resources. For updates on this event and other Temecula Community Services Department events and programs, please follow @TemeculaParksAndRec on Facebook and Instagram.

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