Temecula Help Center Rebrands to Temecula Resource Center

Here's the info from the City of Temecula:

The City of Temecula’s Help Center is officially rebranding to the Temecula Resource Center. In July 2018, the City repurposed an underutilized facility to create an accessible center to connect atrisk individuals with resources to increase stability and resiliency. Originally named the Temecula Help Center, the rebranding of this facility to the Temecula Resource Center will not affect any of the services. This new facility name provides a more accurate representation of what is provided here.

The staff at the Temecula Resource Center ensure that the most at-risk and underserved populations within the City of Temecula are connected to resources and services that improve the safety, health, and quality of life, while increasing the likelihood of success for those in need and their entire family..

The following resources are offered at the Temecula Resource Center: • Case Management • Outreach & In-Reach Events • Limited Financial Assistance • Life Skills Classes • Computer Access • Hygiene Supplies

For more information on the services and offerings at the Temecula Resource Center, please visit TemeculaCA.gov/homeless.

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