Halloween Happenings in the City of Temecula- Fang-tastic Family Fun!

Scary Fun news from the City of Temecula:

Are you a Halloween FANG-atic? So are we! Get ready to fill this spooky season with a variety of offerings for all ages from the City of Temecula Community Services Department.

Halloween Carnival | FRI, OCT 27, 2023 | 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm Get ready for a bone-chilling good time at the annual City of Temecula Halloween Carnival at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street). Grab your ghouls, goblins, friends, and neighbors for a fun night of Fangtastic games, costume contests, trunk-or-treating with First Responders and a whole lot of Skele-FUN! This event is free and for all ages. For more information, visit TemeculaCA.gov/Events.

Halloween Home Bike Tour | SAT, OCT 28, 2023 | 7:00 pm Join us for a Halloween-themed Bike Tour as we ride through the streets of Harveston. On this free bike ride for families, you can admire all the spook-tacular decorations the neighborhood has to offer! All participants must be confident bike riders and stay with the group on this guided tour. Bikes are not provided. Group meets at Harveston Community Park (28582 Harveston Drive). Visit TemeculaCA.gov/Register to sign-up.

Halloween Home Decorating Display Is your front yard filled with terrifying tombstones, spooky spiders and BOO-tiful décor? Participate in Temecula’s 7 th Annual Halloween Home Decorating Display and show Trick-or-Treaters that your home is the place to be this Halloween! Temecula residents can submit an online application by visiting: TemeculaCA.gov/Events. Applications will be available beginning MON, SEP 25 through SUN, OCT 22, 2023, for the following categories: FANG-tastic Humor (Humorous); Oogie Boogie Imagination (DIY/Upcycled); Ultimate ex-FEAR-ience (Scary); Haunting Illusions (Special Effects); and Spook-tacular Theme (Theme Display). Participating homes will get to be featured on our Halloween Home Decorating Map online.

Halloween SKIP-or-Treat | WED, OCT 11, 2023 | 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Enjoy a night of spooky fun including dinner, games, a craft, and SKIP-or-treat through the halls of the Temecula Community Center (28816 Pujol Street)! S.K.I.P. is a social program designed for children (Ages: birth-12yrs) with disabilities. Visit TemeculaCA.gov/Register to sign-up.

High Hopes Halloween Party | FRI, OCT 20, 2023 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Join in for a spooky night full of fun and dancing at the Temecula Community Center (28816 Pujol Street). Wear your costume to participate in the Halloween Costume Contest! Dinner will be provided. Temecula’s High Hopes Program is designed for adults with disabilities ages 18 and older. Guardians/Caregivers can attend at no charge and must be pre-registered. Visit TemeculaCA.gov/Register to sign-up.

Halloween Tea Party | SAT, OCT 21, 2023 | 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Wear your Halloween party outfit or costume and enjoy an afternoon at this themed tea party at Harveston Community Park Room (28582 Harveston Drive). Meet new friends, practice table manners, and create a Halloween craft to take home! This event is for children ages 4 – 9 years old. Visit TemeculaCA.gov/Register to sign-up.

• Halloween Movie Night in the Teen Zone | WED, OCT 25, 2023 | 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Head to the Temecula Teen Zone at the Community Recreation Center (30875 Rancho Vista Road) for a night with friends, good times, yummy treats and a Halloween Movie! This event is for preteens and teens ages 11 through 18, and a Teen Zone Membership is required to participate. Memberships can be purchased at TemeculaCA.gov/TeenZone. Please visit TemeculaCA.gov/Register to signup for the event.

Teen Library Cemetarium Craft | MON, OCT 16, 2023 | 6:00 pm Teens in grades 7 – 12 can create their own spooky mini-terrarium perfect for Halloween at the Ronald H. Roberts Temecula Public Library (30600 Pauba Road). Supplies will be provided. Register by calling 951-693-8900.

• Pennypickle’s Magical Fun House | FRI, OCT 27, 2023 | 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm Enjoy a non-scary evening of exceptional fun for the entire family as Pennypickle’s Workshop (42081 Main Street) transforms into a Magical Fun House full of adventures, experiments, treats, and surprises for all ages. Call 951-308-6376 for tickets.

For more information on all upcoming Temecula Community Services Department events, activities, and programs, please visit TemeculaCA.gov/TCSD, and follow @TemeculaParksandRec on social media for updates.

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