According to the "National Day Counter":
When we observe kindness in others, we are often inspired to offer kindness ourselves. Someone set a good example for us to follow, and we must continue those good examples for others in our lives. National Set A Good Example Day on February 26th encourages us to set a good example that inspires others.
Everyone influences others. The influence could be positive or negative. Even from a young age, we experience good and bad behavior. Parents can positively influence their children at an early age. Additionally, many others, such as our extended families, educators, mentors, community leaders, and even organizations, can positively influence us in many ways. Some of the ways we can easily set a good example include:
- Demonstrating kindness.
- Being compassionate.
- Acting with fairness.
- Practicing tolerance.
- Being just.
- Treating others with respect.
These good examples reflect a person's values and positively affect them and others. Setting a good example can be applied in every setting, including home, school, work, and in the community at large.
How did you set a good example today?
I did it by not playing like a hardass at pickleball this morning. Instead of always hitting to win, I hit the ball to keep it in play. I influenced 2 of the 3 players, with only one choosing to continue to play "dickleball".