City of Temecula Announces Military Banner and Path of Honor Paver Programs

Just in time for memorial Day, the City of Temecula makes the following announcement:

The City of Temecula appreciates and respects the service and commitment of all those who have served our country in the Armed Forces. To honor these selfless individuals, Temecula has created two programs to recognize both active-duty military personnel and Veterans. Military Banner Program The Military Banner Program honors and recognizes active-duty military personnel residing in or related to immediate family living in the City of Temecula. Banners will display the official military photo of the service person, and their name, rank, and branch of the United States Armed Forces. All Military Banners will be located on Main Street (Civic Center to Main Street Bridge). They are installed twice per year and will be displayed for a period of six-to-twelve months depending upon the date of installation. Banners will be presented to the honoree (or applicant) at the City’s Annual Veterans Day Event. There is no charge for this program and Banners may be requested year-round. Please visit, to order your Military Banner today.

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