Win Daring Greatly @ Belly Up Tickets- Hear "Trouble" on the Dose (video)

For my "Temecula Valley Tuesday" edition of The Dose I will be featuring a band who plays frequently in the Temecula Valley.

Daring Greatly is the "it" band in San Diego right now. They are on a tour out of the area right now but will return for another Belly Up show on August 21st and as part of our Belly Up ticket giveaway week you can win tickets to that show.

Send you name, phone number, email and the words "Daring Greatly" in a pm to our fb page:

You must be 21 to attend Belly Up shows.

While the band is gone, they do have a brand new video made for the new song I am featuring this morning.

"Trouble" video is here.

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