"7:10 Celebrity Birthdays"- Today with a Heartfelt Update on a Friend

Today I wish to focus on only one special birthday. My long time friend and singer for The Alarm, Mike Peters, who turns 66 today.

Mike has been an inspiration for decades with his music, and his own personal fight against a form of Leukemia. Recently Mike had a serious set back and is receiving treatment.

This is the latest from his wife Jules:

Sometimes in life you are thrown a curveball, and this morning, I had to figure out how to handle the change in situation

Michael Peters has been home for 4 nights and in that time due to my newfound skill of force-feeding, has gained 3 kilos in 3 days

This is the man who has lost 16 kilos recently and is completely decimated physically…

We’ve had a lovely 4 days together, set free of the chains of hospital visits and the freedom of just being at home together

However, in the bottom of my heart, i felt an inner instinct that Mike’s fragility was more fragile than ever…

When I took him for a walk last night, it was to the top of the drive and back, clinging on to each other…

So this morning I trusted my instinct and called the Christie Hotline. I was supposed to drive him myself to the Christie tomorrow for clinic but I couldn’t figure out how I could manage it. I couldn’t leave MP at the entrance and I couldn’t park up and walk him to the entrance… he just isn’t strong enough.

The Christie Hotline delivered. Within hours a bed was made available. I called Lady Cab Driver to see if she could help me and of course she came to my aid. How lucky am I…

As we pulled up outside the Christie this afternoon, I felt utter dread at the thought of getting MP into a wheelchair and wheeling him down the endless corridors… It’s such a vulnerable feeling.

Mike is too fragile to be able to walk the steps that he has walked with ease previously…

It’s also the most intense feeling of love and commitment. I’m not the most practical of people and I think Del felt most nervous at the thought of me navigating the corridors with MP in a wheelchair!

But guess what, I will do anything for my Big Love. The tenderness of these moments is hard to describe

I did however nearly catapult him into another department when I took my hand off the brake!

But I delivered him to AACU, a whole new department for us. On the fourth floor.

Elevators and wheel chairs are not easy let me tell you

Very sci fi and exemplary service given. A million questions and a million unanswered questions & answers…

This is the road we are on. Many curve balls

My mind is a washing machine of emotions most of the time. But my responsibility is to manage the curve of the ball and concentrate on the final result…

From AACU, we were delivered to the Palatine Ward, back where we started over 40 nights ago…

A very lovely porter wheeled the three of us down the empty corridors. Honestly this journey is so not for the feint- hearted. But the porter was empathetic and made the journey infinitely more manageable… Thank you Mr Porter

All any of us need is LOVE

So I just wanted to deliver our news with honesty. It’s not always the news you want to read but it’s our news…

Say a prayer for MLP who will wake up on his 66th birthday tomorrow at the Christie…

We are not sad about that. We are just very grateful that the UK and the NHS offers such an incredible service…

The last year has undoubtedly been the most challenging time for the Peters’ Family so a heartfelt thanks from me to you all for being such lovely friends and keeping our spirits bouyed…

It ain’t over ‘til it’s over


Lady Cab Driver

JJP & MLP just appreciating time together

Time is all we all have


More info and you help is need at an organization create by Mike and Jules called Love, Hope Strength.


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