Dwight Arnold

Dwight Arnold

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On Air Guest This Friday: John McColly from Mountain High

This Friday morning in the 9am hour I'll be joined on air by the man, the myth, the legend, John McColly who runs all things Mountain High!

He is going to announce the opening date for the new snow season....so get ready to mark your calendars.

John will also let us know what's new for us who head to Mt High this year and what kind of winter we will have...

We'll also be talking about that ongoing season pass sale of $399 that only lasts through October 31st ..and just how much you get with that pass...

..and I'll be giving away a pair of 1 day lift tickets after that interview as well..be ready to call 951-694-3243 to win...

John McColly on the slopes of Mt High

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