Dwight Arnold

Dwight Arnold

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Are You Going To Beaches Now That Some Are Open? Some Listener Responses

On Monday, I blogged and talked on air about the beach openings and asked you all for your response on how you felt and if you would go.

I have received overhwleming response directly on the blog I wrote (in the comments section) and I am readin those responses during my radio show all week this week.

Many responses came to my postings on various Facebook pages including my own.

Here are some of the responses:

Greg KnightTheir is one major issue with opening up the beaches and that is the short term vacation rentals are still operating. If it was just giving access to local people who can just walk to the water fine. However, last weekend was packed with vacation rentals who came from who knows where. Many of the smart people that would have normally come down at this time already cancelled. The people who were down this weekend are the ones who do not take this seriously. One group renting next to us came in from El Centro, specifically for the protest. It was sickening. In short, opening up the beaches is not the real problem, controlling how the crowds come in will be the issue. Most other resort style cities have already put a ban on the vacation rentals. For us living in mission Beach it is very concerning.

Kelly RoushIts not an airborne virus so why not? People in south africa are confined to homes and not even allowed to go on a walk... its fresh air.. whats the problem as long as people are social distancing or whatever

Dave DonaldsonI’m 5 minutes from the beach in SB and I’m not going, I’m also not worried about others going. The beach seems like a safe place compared to a bus, train, church, or stores. My question is, are the hospitals ready for another spike in the curve? I’ve heard many individuals saying that hospitals besides NY are empty now but I don’t know if that is factual or not. Any California healthcare workers know the readiness situation in our hospitals here? Part of me feels like protecting @#olesand sociopaths from endangering themselves and their loved ones seems like too big of a job for us to handle, so let them prove us right or wrong. Unfortunately it’s very similar to the pollution debate, can’t argue with people who choose propaganda and deny science. Thankfully the people that are intelligent, smart, caring, and kind, will do the right thing, wear a mask, and wait it out a little longer until we’re on the downside of the curve to protect more lives.

Benet Edward GarciaBeaches have wind that creates vapor dispersion. It is far better to be at the beach that the supermarket

Rob TonkinThey should be open BUT not for sun bathing. Just for accessing the water, Watersports.

Keep responding ..and I'll keep sharing your views..no matter what they are..and if you use the comment section right below this blog, there's a good chance I might read back your viewpoint on the air...

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