Monday Night Football was a surprise- a one sided game- with the 49ers pounding the heavily favored L.A. Rams!
Final score was 31-10 but it wasn't that close. The Niners beat the then 7-2 Rams in every phase of the game, including a pic-six in the first quarter.
The 49ers have not looked good yet this season, but after this Monday night shocker, San Francisco now finds themselves only one game out of the final Wild Card slot.
Yes, there's a long way to go, but the 49ers have a very easy upcoming schedule, including the 2-8 Jags and 2 of the teams hovering around them at that Wild Card position- the Vikings and Panthers.
If the Niners clan play anywhere near as good as they did on Monday night Football, they may not have acchance at their division...but a Wild Card could happen...
I'm just a happy 49er fan...keeping hope alive...