Here's some new that's not good short term, but very good long term from the City of Temecula:
The Mary Phillips Senior Center (MPSC) (41845 Sixth Street), is preparing for some much-needed renovations and facility enhancements. The MPSC will be temporarily closed to the public while undergoing renovations set to begin in early April 2023. MPSC renovations will include renewal of the building facade, roof replacement, upgraded interior lighting, improvements to the library, ADA upgrades, and a newly added outdoor Shuffleboard Court. These repairs and renovations are quite extensive, and the facility is not scheduled to re-open until the completion of the renovations in early Fall 2023. MPSC essential services like Daily Nutrition Program, Transportation Program, AARP Tax Aide, and the Cool Center will be moved to the Temecula Community Center (TCC) (28816 Pujol Street), while other programs will be put on hold until the MPSC reopens in the Fall of 2023. The City’s Inclusion and Special Needs Programs like High Hopes; Supporting Kids Involving Parents (SKIP); and Youth Advisory Council (YAC) will also be held at the TCC unless otherwise stated. These renovations will refresh, rejuvenate, and enhance Temecula’s Senior Center as another way to demonstrate our dedication to our valued senior community. We thank our residents and visitors for their patience and understanding during this Spring to Fall season. We look forward to welcoming you back as we celebrate the MPSC’s 30th Anniversary with a Grand Re-Opening! For more information, please call (951) 694-6464, and stay tuned for more information by following @TemeculaParksAndRec on social media.