Be aware of these ongoing lane is the info from the City of Temecula:
For those who drive to/from San Diego, Caltrans in San Diego County is working on an I-15 Pavement Replacement Project north of Escondido that closes one lane.
Current closed lane (March 2023-October 2023): The #4 lane and right shoulder on Southbound Interstate 15 is closed between Deer Springs Rd and Hwy 78.
Future closed lane (November 2023-June 2024): The #4 lane and right shoulder on Northbound Interstate 15 will be closed between Hwy 78 and Deer Springs Rd.
The lane under construction will be separated from the remaining 3 lanes by a K-rail barrier. For more information, please visit Caltran's website: I-15 Pavement Replacement Project.