Today is National Humbug Day- Have you had enough of Christmas cheer? Are you sick and tired of dealing with the stupidity that ALWAYS happens at this time of year (like that idiot that cut you off in the parking lot today)? The Humbug Day is for you. According to the creators of this day, Humbug Day "allows everyone preparing for Christmas to vent their frustrations.” Sure, venting frustration over the stress of Christmas is fine and dandy, but others believe Humbug Day is much more – that it brings out the Scrooge in all of us. Scrooges all over have been waiting for this day, and come out of the woodwork in great numbers. They go far beyond venting a few frustrations. Many scrooges are negative towards Christmas in general, and can put a real damper on your Christmas spirit.
But I'm more like the fluffy Christmas Bunny....yeah right...