The City of Temecula has sent out the following Easter Time event information:
The City of Temecula is egg-cited to host the annual Easter Egg Hunt on SAT, MAR 30, 2024 at 10:00 am sharp. Egg hunts are taking place simultaneously at these three separate locations: Harveston Community Park 28582 Harveston Drive Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park 32380 Deer Hollow Way Temeku Hills Park 31367 La Serena Way
Please arrive between 9:00 am to 9:30 am, in order to be prepared to spring into action and hunt at 10:00 am sharp! This event is for all children from infant to 12 years of age, and every park location includes a Special Needs area. Remember to bring your basket when you bounce over to one of the three egg hunt sites listed above. Pop in early to enjoy music and have your picture taken with the Easter Bunny! This event cannot be missed as it provides opportunities for cherished family memories and photos to help remember them. Please visit to view the layout map with the age zones identified for each park.
Teen Egg Hunt Calling all Temecula Teens! The Teen Egg-Stravaganza will be held on FRI, MAR 22, 2024, from 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm at The Sports Ranch @ Sommers Bend (32101 Sommers Bend). Gather your friends and your flashlight, it’s time for the annual Teen Only Egg Hunt! Every student in attendance will be eligible for community service hours needed for school.
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