If you missed "7:10 Celebrity Birthdays" this morning, you missed my story about my long relationship of opportunities to work with today's birthday boy , Mike Muir of Suicidal Tendencies. I have interviewed Mike and worked with him and his band on a special radio private winners only radio show. While working on that show many years ago, Mike didn't give the shirt he was wearing, but made sure I got one just like it. I still wear it proudly and remember how much fun we had working together and hoping we can do it again someday.
Happy 61st birthday to Mike Muir!
Others celebrating birthdays today include:
Quincy Jones 91
Michael Cain 91
Billy Crystal 76
Simone Boles 27
If you would like me to wish you, or anyone you know a happy birthday in the future, send the birthday info, (at least a few days in advance) in a pm to fb page