Here's good news from the City of Temecula:
Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) is working on a Wine Country Sewer Project that includes the construction of 2 separate portions of sewer transmission lines. The project timeline is roughly Summer 2024 through Winter 2026.
EMWD in 2015 completed the first phase of a sewer system in Northern Wine Country, which protected groundwater quality and allowed for economic development opportunities.
Because of the continued expansion of wineries, restaurants and tourism, many wineries outgrew the capacities of their on-site septic systems.
The Northern Wine Country Phase II project will install 14,000 linear feet of sewer lines along Rancho California Road, Glen Oaks Road, Warren Road, and East Benton Road. The Southern Wine Country Sewer will install 23,200 linear feet of sewer line along De Anza Road and De Portola Road.
EMWD has received significant project support from the County of Riverside, which provided $5 million for the Northern Wine Country Phase II sewer and $4.1 million for the Southern Wine Country sewer. It has also received $2 million from the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s State and Tribal Assistance Grants.
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